Alain Hepner Law Named as One of Canada’s Top 10 Criminal Law Boutiques

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Alain Hepner and Kim Ross operate the Calgary-based law firm. It is a boutique law firm, and it only accepts criminal defence matters, including all offences pursuant to the Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, the income tax legislation, Customs Act, environmental issues and related Traffic Act violations involving bodily injury or death. Hepner is a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers and has appeared before administrative tribunals, such as the Alberta Review Board, in dealing with individuals found to be Not Criminally Responsible or unfit to stand trial, as well as representing clients at all levels of court, including the Supreme Court of Canada.

Hepner is a Calgary lawyer retained by the Calgary Police Association to defend police officers being investigated or charged with criminal allegations. Hepner employs a business philosophy of extending the same effort, focus and commitment to each client, regardless of ethnicity, history or financial circumstance.

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